University Nice Sophia Antipolis   CNRS   CNRS

Volunteered Geographical Information and Uncertainty

Meeting of Working Groups and Management Committee
COST Action TD1202
Mapping and the citizen sensor

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Instructions for authors and participants


For the best organization of the workshop we ask all the participants to subscribe themselves, filling the registration form in this website as soon as possible.


Papers must be sent to Matteo Caglioni (

In order to provide a copy of the papers during the workshop, we ask you to follow just few indications on paper format (it could be different from the publication one, depending on the journal or book format).

MARGINS: top 5,2cm - bottom 5,2cm - left 4,2cm - right 4,2cm

TITLE: Times 14p bold centred

AUTORS: Times 9p centred

ABSTRACT: Times 9p justified

KEYWORDS: Times 9p justified

TITLE PARAGRAPHS: Times 12p bold (with numeration)

BODY: Times 10p justified, single space between lines.

For an example of paper format, please look here.